Friday, February 16, 2007


Some people say that when you are in college, you find a lot of things out about yourself. One of the things I have found out is that I need exactly 8 hours of sleep every day to function. If I'm off by even a couple of minutes, I'll be tired for the rest of the day.

However, I've also figured out as of the end of last semester that the most effective way to get my absurdly large school projects done is to just do them all at once. Sometimes this requires as many as 20 hours of solid work! Which means that I have to pull the occasional all nighter, and my delicate balance of sleep is completely thrown off.

This happened a couple of nights ago. I had a Visual Basic project due at 4pm on Thursday, and since the project looked easy, I figured it would take a couple of hours to do, so I started it on Wednesday night (yes, that was bad planning on my behalf, but I've been pretty sick lately so I really couldn't have started it sooner). I didn't realize that the project was in fact, not in Visual Basic, but in ASP.NET (something somewhat similar) and it took me pretty much until 4am to get the project done, and that wasn't even with the layout forms I needed! I ended up skipping a class so I could sleep, and pounding energy drinks and coffee to stay awake, although completely zoned out, in my remaining classes on Thursday.

However, I've almost come to like the all-nighters. I can work on a program for a week and get a lot done, but I don't have the same feeling of satisfaction afterward. After I spend an insane amount of hours on a programming project and manage to do the whole thing right I kind of get a rush from it, like I just did something really cool even though I'm completely fried and I'm really proud of myself. It's much healthier to plan things out and not procrastinate so much, I need to work on doing that.

So today, in addition to my 8 hours of sleep, I crashed for a while and caught up on my lost sleep so I feel back to normal:)

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