Saturday, March 17, 2007

weekly update

Crazy week this week was...and it will only get worse.

Most of my attention at the beginning of this week was on the France trip. I applied for my passport, bought a few books on the language, paid my trip deposit and tried to make a list of all the things I need to consider before leaving (for example, the fact that I should try a VoIP client instead of using my cell phone so that I don't spend a lot of money trying to call my folks & boyfriend).

My attention was quickly transferred to this nightmare of a programming project, which I JUST finished at 3am this morning, and I had to have several people help me. I don't think I want to be a just stresses me out way too much. Whenever I'm doing something other than programming I can't think of anything except for the fact that I have no idea how to do the stuff that I need to do to my project. I'm not really like that with writing papers or playing music because I know that regardless of whether the end product is 100% the way I want it to be, I know I can churn something out and it will probably be successful. With programming, I know that my program won't run unless everything is exactly 100% in place, and if I don't know how to implement something in my program I start to really panic and feel the pressure if the due date is near.

I have three killer exams next week, so I went out and hung out with a few friends last night. We went to some Candyland themed party at SigEp, and even though we spent about an hour trying to actually get into the party and I couldn't stay for very long because I had said project to finish, I'm glad I at least got to spend some time with them and take some fun pictures:)

I'm not sure that it's been exactly a week since I set my goals on keeping in touch with people, but I am still beating myself up for not writing to my work. I did, however, write to my grandmother and she is apparently estatic that I sent her a card and that I am going to France and might go visit her country of origin (Luxembourg). I'll try to take some time out this weekend to write to the other people, and then report back. I think I'll make a big laundry list of people I need to write to after my midterms are done on Thursday so that I can work on that over spring break, since I know I'll just procrastinate on studying and write to people if I do it now.

Additionally, I have this really cool membership to ACM that allows me to enroll in all kinds of online copmputer classes, and I've never really utilized it. I'm going to try to complete at least one class over spring break. I have not decided which subject yet-- probably ASP.NET or one of the Microsoft certification classes.

Oh! One more goal before I complete this entry: I have GOT to catch up with what is going on in the world and politics. I don't really have time to read the paper, and most of the time I only know when something big is going on because my boyfriend will see it on the news and call me up and tell me about it. I've been talking to some people about the contenders for the '08 elections, which I'm kind of looking forward to-- I enjoy watching the primaries for each party --and I'm pretty sick of Bush.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.