Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Music, music, music! Where did you go? You just sort of suddenly slipped out of my life in August and never came back!

I would love to start playing flute again. Especially since the semester is going by so quickly and I sure have nothing else to do when I'm not travelling this summer...

I was sort of going through what I wanted to minor in again today, and music came up. Why not minor in music? Because the music department sucks, that's why! Does it suck enough to not even consider studying it here? Hmmm...I thought about it and yeah, it pretty much does I think. Every time I walk by the music department they jump on me like pidgeons on a bread crust and beg me to come back. They're just so unprofessional though, and I couldn't stand being in the wind symphony again...I started recalling that the wind symphony was my LEAST favorite class of my first semester when I had only joined it for enjoyment. So music is out, sorry to say.

I have realized though, that as much as I love the flute and as much as I do think it is a cool instrument, I would love to branch out a little. I really want to learn some basic piano skills. I don't know the first thing about playing the piano! And I want to learn how to sing. I was really self concious about my singing voice for the majority of my childhood, so I never sang when I was around people because I was afraid they would make fun of me (in all honesty, I don't think I'm a horrible singer. Someone made a comment when I was really young that I was bad at singing, and for at least 10 years after that it made me stop singing in front of people). I think opera is such a cool art form though and I listen to so much vocal music that I want to learn how to sing better!

I'm feeling inspired, so I think my next entry is going to be about stuff I want to do with myself. Like learning to play the piano. And freaking picking up my flute again!

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