Wednesday, May 9, 2007

okay, I'll admit it...

I'm blogging because I'm trying to avoid the massive amount of work I have to do. I seriously have so much to study and do that I don't even want to try and comprehend it all at once. But it will (almost) all be over tomorrow night, which is reassuring. Unless I have to take classes again, which would suck. I should just get out of here while my GPA is still high enough to just sinks lower with each semester.

Really, really excited about France. I'm kind of insecure about leaving though, just because I've never done anything like this before and I hate being away from my boyfriend, especially since I see him at least once a day at this point in time and he lives right down the street-- so to be away from being able to just go chill with him or make sure he's okay is going to be really strange. But that's kind of why I'm going...I need to get used to that. (Though, I think he is jealous that I'm going. That's okay. I'm jealous he got into grad school, which is something I can't do right now, so there's a balance.)

Kell is moving in this week-- I'm super excited-- I like having half the apartment to myself, but I bet living with her will be really fun. Plus, instead of walking like 10 minutes to her place to pre-party and then doing another 10 minute walk to get to any parties, we are both just right here, and the parties are usually a lot closer to my place. Traci is moving out-- kinda bummed about that-- I like Traci. Admittedly, I haven't gotten to know her anywhere near as well as I should have, but she has been a good roommate.

Annnd....I should probably continue studying some of this stuff so I don't feel like I have so much hanging over my head. More talk later.

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