Saturday, March 31, 2007

I feel SO weird blogging about this

I was at Ed's the other night and we were just watching tv, when he spontaneously turns to me and says "Hey, so where do you want to get married?"

For some reason, my entire life I have dreaded planning my wedding. I'm not sure if it's because there are so many ways it can be done and places to have it at that I'm afraid I'll be let down, or if it is because the event has so many components to it that I'll just become jaded and in the end won't really want to care what the flowers look like or what the cake tastes like and then it will be bad. When I was younger, I would occasionally have sleepovers with my two older female cousins on my mom's side and those two would spend the whole entire night talking about what their weddings would look like and what dresses they would wear while I would sit around feeling bored.

(Keep in mind that this is all written as pure speculation, since neither of us are at a point in our lives where we want to get married. Also, the idea that we'll be getting married is something that I don't take for granted-- things could change in the next few years and we could end up parting ways. But since we've been together for so long, this is stuff we talk about.)

Ed is pretty intent on getting married at the Ahwahnee, in Yosemite. That might be nice, but it's hard to say since I've never been to Yosemite and I'm not sure how I feel about the style of the hotel from the pictures. His mother wants us to get married in Italy, which would be undoubtedly beautiful, but planning a wedding overseas sounds pretty hard. I have no idea where I want to get married. No idea at all. And I tried asking my mother...just mentioning the word "wedding" makes her completely freak out. She's really going to try to hold me to not getting married until I'm 25...

And then there's the whole religious element, which opens up a new can of worms. Neither he nor I belong to any particular organized religion, so from our perspective we could get anyone to perform the marriage. However, my grandmother is a strict catholic, and any wedding that is not done in a traditional catholic style will probably not be receiving her blessings. My parents are episcopalian, but they know that I am not by any means fond of that church, though they would probably insist on a christian wedding. His family has this friend, who is quite an eccentric but interesting woman; she's an ex-catholic nun who is now into astrology and psychic readings and a whole manner of alternative spiritual beliefs. (Did I mention she has 3 PhDs and is working on a 4th? I'm not sure if she's brilliant or completely crazy...) Ed thinks it would be fun to have her do the wedding. It's an interesting idea, and it might be fun to have some kind of totally alternative-style wedding if you're not going to have a wedding with a particular church affiliation.

Ultimately, this is another one of those things that I would like to push to the back of my brain at least until school gets out, since I certainly have enough on my plate right now.


sarah said...

Did you know that the State of California will allow *anyone* to legally officiate a wedding, but only once? My friend Peggy did it for someone in the orchestra. You have to fill out some paperwork but thats it.

sarah_k said...

Wow, I did not know that. How interesting!